The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Weekend hilarity

Time for a break from more weighty matters--a couple of funny things caught my eye:

From McSweeney's (God bless you, David Eggers), "The Andover Grade Reports of George W. Bush, Senior Year." Here are a few passages:

The Constitution and Modern Society: Withdrawn

- - - -

World Religions: Incomplete

What a breath of fresh air! George's folksy wisdom and constant (almost like clockwork) refrains of "Lemme get this straight!" and "They think what now?" bring an air of calculated (I hope) naiveté to our usually intense and searching dialogues about belief systems throughout history and across the globe. Though other students, in the midst of reconciling their own beliefs with those of others, sometimes suffer crises of faith, George has remained steadfast! Unfortunately, George's final grade will remain an Incomplete until I receive his paper "Waiting for the End of the World: How I Plan to Hurry Up Armageddon and Get the Rapture Started." I can't wait!

- - - -

Physical Education: A+

Great job, George! Keep up the good work!

Yep, Mr. Prep School Yankee Scion sure has a folksy charm about him, doesn't he?

And from Huffington Post by way of Boing Boing, "What Right-Wingers See When They Read the New York Times," a mouse-over page in which a headline like "Questions Surface About U.S. Surveillance Program" becomes "Come Kill Us, Terrorist Comrades!" My favorite: "Heatwave Engulfs Most of Nation" changes to "Liberal Media Blasts Heartland with Deadly Heat Ray." Too funny. Maybe I'm just tired of arguing that yes, New York and San Francisco are just as much a part of America as Omaha and Charleston.


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