The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Friday, September 22, 2006

What kind of week has it been?

Well, a mixed bag, really. A breaking and entering (4:00 a.m. door-kicking) in my apartment building; working hard to put a client into jail (rather than the opposite); Best Buy and Alaska Airlines competing to see who can take the least responsibility for the loss of the shiny, expensive TV I purchased; and the youngest of the little kids I used to babysit and teach in Sunday school is now checking out colleges--I'm so old! Not to mention the fact that the White House and a group of "renegade" Republicans have been arguing over how much torture should be legal: a lot or an awful lot. Very troubling. Read Ted Rall's latest column. Go ahead, I'll wait.

On the plus side, I loooooove my job and have had no shortage of interesting and fulfilling casework, I went on a couple of really good long runs this week, and I made some totally badass gingersnaps the other night. There's about 3 of them left in the office conference room.


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