The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I though the Giuliani Regime had made it illegal to be homeless

A trial judge in Manhattan ruled yesterday that the City has to notify Legal Aid before evicting homeless people from its shelters. Bravo--seems like an easy procedural due process question to me. I'm sure the City will appeal.

This has been an ongoing case, in which a consent decree from 1981 stated that the City can't evict someone for failure to comply with shelter rules when a mental or physical impairment prevents them from doing so. Again, seems pretty straightforward--when someone's in danger of losing the roof over their head, they should probably have access to a lawyer.

Surely there's room for this guy on the federal bench? You know, it would be a nice change from the corporate and evangelical lackeys Bush has been appointing.


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