The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Thursday, November 08, 2007

18 years? 18 years.

I can't believe that November 9 is the 18th anniversary of the Berlin Wall coming down. What a time that was--such optimism. It was right around that time that my interest in Russia and Eastern Europe really took off.

I'll refrain from commenting on which ideology is going to conquer the world, but it's a good thing on the whole when people can vote, go where they want, and say what they want, especially in a region that got the Hitler-Stalin one-two punch in the twentieth century.


  • At 6:57 PM, November 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Even living in a village in Mexico, we heard about that one pretty fast. Have you seen Goodbye, Lenin? Good one to watch when thinking about such things.

  • At 7:31 PM, November 13, 2007, Blogger Country Lawyer said…

    "Goodbye, Lenin" is a great film--definitely a period piece for that moment in history!


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