The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Friday, June 20, 2008

Obscure Joke of the Week

OK, seriously--how many people are going to get this?

I actually love Oblique Strategies--I have it as a widget on my MacBook, although the cards have been around for ages. It's a great cure for writer's block, or a fun way to pass the time until your writer's block goes away. Brian Eno is one of the true creative geniuses of our time.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Culinary Crimes Against Nature, Count I

I really wanted to make vichyssoise this weekend. I have a recipe that I like very much, in fact. The problem: there were no leeks to be found in Bethel. Not a one. So what possessed me to try the recipe with cocktail onions? I don't know--I had a bit of the kitchen mad scientist in me. Anyway, the soup turned out more onion-y than vichyssoise, which I don't mind so much. What I do mind is that it's incredibly bitter. No good. Lesson learned--I shan't reoffend, at least not in the same manner.

I did find a recipe for "crispy pork bits," which I had to make based on the name alone. Those turned out good--very carnitas-like.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Go Dennis go!

Having failed in efforts to impeach Vice President Cheney, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) escalated his battle against the administration this week by introducing 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush, using a parliamentary maneuver that will probably force a vote today.
From today's Washington Post, by way of Common Dreams.

I think most people who share his views are content to wait until January 20, 2009, but I think Kucinich is someone who stands on principle. Perhaps not An Unreasonable Man, but a man on a mission nonetheless. It's gonna be a fun year for politics geeks all over this great land.

UPDATE: A full House vote sent the articles of impeachment off to die a slow death in the Judiciary Committee, chaired by John Conyers, which is unlikely to hold hearings again this Congress. Click here to see how your Congresscritter voted. Interesting that Kucinich, after forcing a full House vote, dispatched his own articles to committee. Perhaps the point of the exercise was to read them into the record . . .

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Country Lawyer's Celebrity Hot Tub Party

Well, I assure you I have been neither in jail nor in rehab for the past month and a half. Just busy, that's all. I've been on the road a lot--in fact, I'm leaving again tonight.

The Alaska Bar Convention at the beginning of May was hit or miss as far as the seminars went. Hearing from Ruth Bader Ginsburg was quite a treat, though. So was seeing people from all over the state that I either A. knew from years and years ago, or B. had only spoken to on the phone.

It was also good networking, since I am going off to co-found my own firm at the end of next month. That has resulted in a lot of working trips into Anchorage/Wasilla, but it's exciting--the pieces are in place, aside from me, but I'll be there from August onward, living in Wasilla and working in Barrow, Kotzebue, and Palmer. Good way to make partner.

I ran marathon number six in Oklahoma City, the Saturday before memorial day. It was my worst marathon time ever--the heat and humidity did me in. Some of the winter training lethargy might have caught up with me as well. I finished an hour later than my usual time, sweated through my sweatproof sunblock, and sweated off some of my tape, which led to some unsightly chafing. But I still love marathoning, and, as always, I'm looking to the next race!

I did some sightseeing in my four days in Oklahoma City. It's actually quite a nice town, the climate notwithstanding. The State Capitol is among the most visitor-friendly I've seen, with lots of cool artwork, a comprehensive self-guided tour, and easy access to the House and Senate Chambers, Supreme Court Chambers, and the Governor's reception room. They even have portraits of two heroes of mine who happen to be Oklahomans: Will Rogers and Woody Guthrie (sadly, not holding his guitar labeled "This machine kills fascists"). Oh, and there's an oil well on the grounds, right out front, pumping away:

Here's what the top looks like:

I also enjoyed seeing Bricktown, the art museum, Myriad Botanical Gardens, and the very meaningful memorial at the site of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

From there, I headed off to Coeur d'Alene, and had a wonderful visit--seeing the sights, cooking a joint dinner, looking at the flooded lake, and generally hanging out. It really is beautiful country in northern Idaho. I also stopped in Seattle for a quick dinner with some folks that I see all too little of! I closed out vacation with about half a week in Anchorage/Wasilla/Palmer, which was relaxing. I also got to attend my very first Air Force promotion ceremony (thanks, Maj. Siefkin!), which was very cool.

When I got back, my mom's FBI file was waiting in my mailbox, at long last. About a year ago, I had filed a Freedom of Information request, generated by, to see if the G-Men had anything on my late mother. Turns out they did! About 30 pages total, with portions redacted. Much of the information was incomplete and inaccurate, which gives the impression of shoddy investigation or just not trying very hard. Perhaps they had a hunch that she wasn't a national security threat . . .

Since Kucinich is long out of the race, I couldn't be happier that Obama is going to be the nominee. I have a good good feeling about November.

I leave you with a cat:
