The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Two Great Tastes That Do Not Taste Great Together

You know, like chorizo and marzipan, or something similarly dissonant.

This has been around, but it bears mentioning that I love Dostoyevsky, and I love Batman, but Batman makes a lousy Raskol'nikov. True, both have feelings of righteousness and superiority. Batman, however, has a singleminded, maniacal compulsion to rid the world of crime, while Rodion Raskol'nikov had delusions of being an "extraordinary" man to whom the law didn't apply (I think--it's been a while since I read Crime and Punishment in college, and literary analysis was never my strong suit).


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