The Country Lawyer

"I may be a simple country hyper-chicken, but I know when we're finger-licked."

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Stop Making Sense

Once again, Ted Rall hits the nail right on the head with this week's column. In a nutshell, instead of applauding George Tenet for speaking up now, we should be asking why he didn't do so four years ago when it could have prevented this awful, awful war. The obvious answer is careerism, while a principled resignation would've been the right thing to do. Here's a good paragraph:
Just as the Nazis wouldn't have gotten anything done without their Vichy partners, Bush and Cheney needed the technocratic expertise of opportunistic men like George Tenet--as well as the political cover provided by such shortsighted enablers as Condi Rice and Colin Powell. Richard Clarke, Paul O'Neil, Tom Ridge, Tommy Thompson, Ari Fleischer, Christie Todd Whitman--they all knew better than to accept positions with an illegitimate administration who viewed We the People as an annoying obstacle to their agenda. But they did it just the same.
I just know he'll get in trouble for using "Nazis" and "Bush and Cheney" in the same sentence.

Now they can take out your appendix by going in through the mouth and leaving no visible scar. How cool is that?


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